Dream Big. Helping people through art.

Kaid Ashton- a man who photographs the world's most dangerous slums and posts them in cities, turning the world into his very own art gallery.
He bagan photographing the graffity on trains around his home in Canada.
Since then Asthon has travelled to Irean, Colombia, Cambodia, the Philippines and more then two dozen other countries, purposely looking for areas that many dare not go.
Asthon believs that the people who live there are the friendliest and most welcoming as all.

New words

  1. Passer-by
  2. Skeletal
  3. Serve a purpose
  4. Purposely
  5. Poverty-stricken
  6. Tile
  7. On a whim
  8. Nooks
  9. Crannies
  10. Bustling
  11. Slums

  1. Прохожий
  2. Скелетный
  3. Служить цели
  4. Нарочно, специально
  5. Бедный, нищий
  6. Плитка, черепица
  7. По прихотиб по желанию
  8. Закоулки
  9. Закоулки
  10. Шумный
  11. Трущобы


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