
Hello, my name is Diana. I want to tell you about different jobs. In the world there are so many professions. For example: secretaries, sport coachs, nurses, surgeons, judges, cashiers, flight attendants, police officers, artists, smokejumpers.
Smokejumpers is a very dangerous job. They are elite firefighters who risk their lives fighting forest fires in remote areas. They bravely parachute out of aeroplans into burning forests, where they quickly get to work putting the fire out. Also there is a very interesting job UFO hunting.
 UFO hunting is a lot of fun, and you never know- you might just turn science fiction into science fact! This job is very unusual, but there are more than just a profession. For example: during the summer holiday, a lot of university students choose to work at summer camps as camp counsellors, and those students who know what they want to do the when they graduate, a summer internships is ideal. It`s great experience in the student`s chosen profession. The end.


  1. I first heard the profession- Smokejumper. I like a job-artist. It is very creative job. My dad is a very dangerous profession. He pilot


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