Doing the right thing

I presume that our world would be better, If everyone makes one good deed a day.
 For example: recycle old materials, pick up litter in yout neighbourhood, help the elderly, donate to charities, look after stray animals.
  Imagine then, how it might fell fot the elderly or the homeless- people, who are often marginalised by the rest of society. Before you abuse, criticise and accuse, look at their lives. Be attentive to all.       Also, Do you know about street education? You should be kind. Such as Mitch Gregon spent his three month in Brazil, where he taught English to homeless street children. There is one more way to participate good deeds:
To visit a Glastonbury Festival. Glastonbury festival is one of the most largest, most popular greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world, raising thousands of pounds for charity and attracting more people.
It's also necessary to care of the nature and animals, Such as Ed Stafford. Ed Stafford to walk the entire length of the Amazon river. Floods, giant anacondas, jaguars, electric eels, drug smugglers, malaria and many other. But his true inspiration was something even more important- the rainforest itself. Ed, who was a former army captain, saw how deforestation was destroying huge sections of rainforest.
  Deforestation is a major threat to the delicate eco-system of our planet. How can we help to fight deforestation?

  • Take part in tree-planting days to replace some of the lost trees
  • recycle paper and buy recycled products
  • support charities and companies that support rainforest protection by donating money
Doing these good deeds, we can make the world better.


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