Getting to know you. Final topic 6.

All people are different: On character, on the type. Professional psychologist outline 4 important groups of human nature: attitude to work, relation to others, attitude to things and attitude to oneself.

 Moreover, I would like to tell you about attitude to oneself. Nowadays it's very common for teenagers to have a negative image of their own bodies. They insist they are hopelessly ugly, now matter how much their parents and friends trell them other wise. Though there are such teenagers who just complain, but don't want to do anything to improve themselves. Such type of people called whinger, the wihngers complains about absolutely everything. It doesn't matter how trivial of bizarre the complaint, the whinger will go on and on about it as if it's the end of the world.

Moreover, in the world there're many different types of people: gossip, killjoy, snob, troublemaker, chatterbox, know-it-all, drama queen, bighead. It's possible to notice that chatterboxes and gossips often lie. But how to define it? It's possible to define the person lie or tell the truth by means of body language. It's often said that liars are unable to look your straight in the eye.They may rub their eyes, for instance, to avoid eye contact. While telling a lie, people often instinctively use their hands to touch their faces,scratch their heads or cover their mouths wich show their discomfort.

 Actually, not only people have a body talk, but also reasonable animals, such as dolphins.
Dolphins have the second most evolved brain on the planet after the human race. Dolphins communicate with whistles, clicks and other sounds, some of which are too high-frequency for humans to make out. Nature speaks: Gorillas stick out their tongues to show anger, horses rub noses as a sign affection and dogs stretch their front legs out in front of them and lower their bodies when their want to play.


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