Module 1. Final topic.Lifestyles

What do you think, in our world how many strange and unusual people who live not as all? To my mind, so many people who live extraordinary.
   There're different ways of living:conveniences, homeless, rummage, consume, society, man-made, tribal.
   Moreover, there're ancient Tuareg way of life in the Sahara Desert in Africa. There you can see unusual tribe on camels- they're Tuareg men. But nowadays, these "Blue men of the Sahara" work as livestock herders.
     This people live as the tribe, and haven't civilization. But there're people who don't homeless or unemployed, they're lives in civilization, but al the same they prefer alternative living. Freeganism-a combination of the words 'free' and 'vegan'.  Freegans, shoked at the extent on cocnsumer waste, are changing the way they eat.  They scavenge in bins for discarded food
      Moreover, there're homeless people. Some of them live in different public places: airports, stations and so on. One of such place is Heathrow airport. Over 100 people live at this airport permanently. They sleep on the floor near terminals. Living in Heathrow isn't easy because the police and security staff expel all homeless people, it's illegal to sleep there.

     Homeless people have problems constantly. It's difficult for them to live. Also, life of immigrant who want to move to America is difficul too. Immigrant from all over the world would stop at Ellis Island to pass through immigration before entering the US. The first test was the 'six second medical exam'.
The next step was an interview with a legal inspector. Also, people had to pass a literacy test and show a passport and visa.
After that, the new Americans were available to start their new lives.

    In conclusion, each person himself chooses the life and the way of life.


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