Final topic. Module 5

Inventors make new discoveries every day. They improve our world. Do you know about major breakthroughs in science, medicine, technology, space exploration? Which of today's emerging 
technologies have a chance at solving a big problem and opening up new opportunities?

    In the sphere of science:Scientists recently created a microscopic robot that can crawl along molecules of DNA.  Scientists from Columbia university in New York created a "nano-spider" , a nano-bot , which can move inside a body and research the cells.
They are made of protein and got 4 legs . Now it cant walk more than 100nm , but they can make decisions . These technology got perspective and future . The problem is that they are out of safety regulations , but bigger robots are already in use in medecine now.

Furthermore, there are ordinary people who a rocking the world with their bright ideas, such as Emily Cummins. Emily was a child, when she developed a portable, ECO-friendly refrigerator that have the potential to help thousands of people in developing countries! The idea is that the fridge is made of 2 cylinders, one inside the other, and water between them. So, in a nutshell, she invented an ingenious thing that really helped and became famous in poor areas of Africa.

By the way, do you know Jill Heinerth? She's one of the world's top cave divers.
Woman who plunges into the oceans depths; and is the first woman to cave dive in the Antarctic. She used to dream of becoming an astronaut, but she has explored B-15, the largest iceberg on the
planet,instead.She discovered a diverse undersea world, but a few air bubbles, could cause the collapse of her expedition. So the threat of disaster was always there.

In conclusion, our world is developing and improving every day. And there are genius people thanks to which our world evolves.


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